Vegetables – Bioland Organic Free Range Eggs 1 Dozen
Vegetables – Bioland Organic Free Range Eggs 1 Dozen
AsureQuality Certified
When buying Bioland eggs you can be assured that they have been laid by hens that are genuinely free range.As part of the organic standards there are strict requirements as to outdoor living space compared to other certifications.
In the case of Bioland hens they are able to range over the entire farm- all 300 acres!
Living like Princesses…
Our team of very special girls live like princesses, with hen house names such as Balmoral, Kensington, Buckhingham Palace and Windsor!
Our belief is that happy hens will produce the best eggs and so their houses have been designed to ensure maximum comfort.
Individual nesting boxes are provided with perches to roost at night, and with unlimited access to fresh pasture available during the daytime. We don't believe in fencing our hens in!