Coco Soul Organic Sparkling Coconut Water 355 ml
ie produce

Coco Soul Organic Sparkling Coconut Water 355 ml

Regular price $4.50

Coco Soul Organic Sparkling Coconut Water 355 ml

  • Coconut Water absorbs better in the body with a touch of Sparkling than just plain water.
  • Extracted from very young green coconuts
  • A natural replenishing beverage

Sparkling Coconut Water

Our Delicious Sparkling Coconut Water has all the health benefits of the Natural Electrolytes delivered from fresh coconuts.

 Which our body needs, to obtain energy. Deliciously. Delicious Only with a hint of Sparkling to give you that refreshing taste.

 Especially in the Summer months. Our Delicious Sparkling Coconut Water will COOL you down.

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