Vegetables - Kumara Gold
Vegetables - Kumara Gold - AsureQuality Certified
Ways to eat
Kūmara is a very versatile vegetable; it can be mashed, barbecued, used in soups, stir fries, pies, quiches, braises or stews; cooked as chips or wedges or baked whole; thin kūmara slices will puff up into crisps. To use kūmara in salads, first cook until soft, and then cool. Kūmara goes well with all meats and also complements fruits such as banana, pineapple, apricot and apple.
Kūmara is a source of vitamin C and a good source of niacin plus contains dietary fibre and a dietary significant amount of potassium. Being one of the highest carbohydrate containing vegetables makes kūmara an excellent source of energy.
The coloured flesh and skin of kūmara supply an array of phytonutrients including phenolic compounds, flavonoids and carotenoids. Red or purple varieties contain anthocyanins (found in the skin of red varieties), and those with orange and yellow colouring are rich in beta-carotene. The richer the colour the more phytonutrients present.