Vegetables – Pasture Poultry Organic Free Range Eggs 1/2 Dozen
Vegetables – Pasture Poultry Organic Free Range Eggs 1/2 Dozen
AsureQuality Certified
At Pasture Poultry our farm is run under strict organic principles which are accredited and audited annually by AsureQuality. Not only do our hens live organically but all animals on the farm including the sheep, cattle, dogs and humans!
Pasture Poultry farm two main breeds of hens to produce organic eggs - the Ross Shaver Red and the Hyline Red. Both of these breeds have been used for the past 16 years as they have been proven to be hardy and disease resistant.
As they are genuinely free range the hens can display their normal behaviours and they love nothing better than a good dust bath. They also enjoy a varied diet as they forage through grass and crops finding all sorts of tasty morsels giving the eggs the special Pasture Poultry flavour.
Our girls are very inquisitive, wandering around the farm discussing politics with the cattle and making a nuisance of themselves in the garden!
Interesting Stuff...
- A hen requires 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg.
- Eggs age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator.
- Hens with white feathers and ear lobes produce white shelled eggs. Hens with red feathers and red ear lobes produce brown shelled eggs.
- To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked but if it wobbles, it is raw.
- If an egg is accidentally dropped on the floor, sprinkle it heavily with salt for easy clean up.
- Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D.
- A pullet is a ‘young’ hen (like a heifer is a ‘young’ cow)
- The egg shell accounts for about 9 to l2% of its total weight.
- The shell is largely composed of calcium carbonate (about 94%) with small amounts of magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate and other organic matter including protein. Shell strength is greatly influenced by the minerals and vitamins in the hen's diet, particularly calcium, phosphorus, manganese and Vitamin D. If the diet is deficient in calcium, for instance, the hen will produce a thin or soft-shelled egg or possibly an egg with no shell at all.
- Shell thickness is also related to egg size, which, in turn, is related to the hen's age. As the hen ages, egg size increases. The same amount of shell material which covers a smaller egg must be ‘stretched’ to cover a larger one, hence the shell is thinner.
- Eggs can be an important source of complete protein for vegetarians. One egg = 1 ounce of lean meat, fish or poultry.