Cawari White Dashi
Cawari White Dashi 250ml
Carwari White Dashi is traditional Japanese broth and has a beautiful “Umami” flavour. The natural broth is produced with selected bonito, shiitake mushrooms and kelp.
It is also seasoned with Organic White Soy Sauce which gives a richer taste than regular soy sauce.
You can easily make a variety of Japanese dishes with authentic taste without darkening the colours of the ingredients.
Carwari White Dashi is concentrated broth and can be diluted by up to 16 times.
Ingredient(s): Assorted Stock (Water, Dried Bonito Flakes, Dried Shiitake, Kelp), Organic SOY SAUCE (Wheat, Soybean, Salt), Salt, Organic Mirin, Organic Sugar, Yeast Extract, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar