Smoothie Workshop with Susie from Suna Pilates, CoYo, Little Bo Smoothies, Riversea Acai, Natava Superfoods

Smoothie Workshop with Susie from Suna Pilates, CoYo, Little Bo Smoothies, Riversea Acai, Natava Superfoods

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Susie from Suna Pilates will help educate us on smoothie making, uses, ingredients, taste and equipment.

With 18 years in the Holistic Health & Nutrition business and being a mum, Susie says smoothies are great tool to simply, easily and effectively feed and heal anybody.

Smoothies are healthy, detoxing, nutrient dense, bioavailable, super tasty and good for kids' digestion and gut health and make easy breakfast or meal replacement.

Join us at ieproduce, meet Susie and the team from CoYo, Little Bo, Natava Superfoods and Riversea Acai.

Tuesday 19th June 7-8pm

All Welcome! Gold coin donation to North Shore Hospice!


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Interest: Smoothie Workshop with Susie from Suna Pilates, CoYo, Little Bo Smoothies, Riversea Acai, Natava Superfoods