Raw Planet Bee Pollen Granules 250gm
Raw Planet Bee Pollen Granules 250gm
Professor Nicolai Tsitsin, a biologist and experimental botanist of the Longevity Institute of the former USSR, studied centenarians in the Caucasus mountains of Georgia and discovered many Georgians living past 100 years and up to 150 years were beekeepers who eat raw, unprocessed honey with high concentrations of pollen. He attributed this longevity to the action of pollen, and concluded that, taken regularly, pollen will prolong the human lifespan considerably.
Now, pollen is eaten by millions of health-conscious people worldwide. Many international and Olympic athletes from all over the world also eat pollen.
What is pollen? Pollen is the male element of flowers. It has enormous nutritive and medicinal properties and forms the ovules, the starting point of the production of fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables. Bees gather pollens which are mixed with nectar to make pellets that are carried into the beehive. A teaspoonful contains approximately 1,200 pellets, each pellet containing 20 billion grains of pollen, each capable of fertilising and creating a fruit, a vegetable, a flower, or a stalk of grain. Pollen is a very nutritionally complete food and has the potential to contribute as a major food source for humans.
Flower pollen possesses 185 known nutritional ingredients, including twenty-two amino acids (and more of all the eight essential ones by weight than the traditional high protein foods), twenty-seven minerals, the full range of known vitamins, plus enzymes, carbohydrates, fats, and plant growth hormones and other trace substances not yet identified.
Medical studies have shown the following benefits of pollen:
- Allergies: Pollen has an ability to immunize the body against anemophile (wind and air blown) pollens and relieves allergic symptoms.
- Anaemia: Pollen has been shown in studies to provoke a rapid increase in blood haemoglobin.
- Cancer: A US Department of Agriculture research project concluded that pollen is useful as a cancer preventative and restrictor of tumour development.
- Chelation: Pollen allows more oxygen to reach the body and brain cells by acting as an atherosclerotic flushing agent (a chelator).
- Stamina and Vitality were increased for those using pollen on a regular basis.
- Convalescence: Pollen brings about a rapid increase in weight and energy during convalescence.
- Intestinal: Pollen shows a regulatory action on intestinal functions - both on constipation as well as in cases of diarrhoea resistant to antibiotics.
- Menstruation: Pollen has been shown to bring relief in cases of painful and irregular menstruation.
- Radiation: Laboratory animals exposed to high doses of radiation have been shown to have been protected by including pollen in their diet.
- Relaxation: Pollen produces a calming, tranquillising, and sedating effect without any side effects.
- Wound-healing: Pollen has been shown to increase the rate of healing, reduce scarring and prevent infection.
The United States Department of Agriculture (1992) tested and compared Bee Pollen with other fruit and vegetables and found that Bee Pollen, on a per calorie basis:
- has twice as much iron as any other common food type. Iron is essential for the effective flow of oxygen throughout the body. Bee Pollen contains over seven times more iron than beef.
- is higher in protein than most high-protein foods. Bee Pollen contains up to 50% more muscle-building protein than beef does
- is a valuable source of calcium. Strong bone development depends on high levels of dietary calcium. Bee Pollen contains twice as much calcium as milk.
- contains the strong antioxidant vitamins A (beta carotene), C and E, and was found to contain higher levels of beta carotene than all common foods except tomatoes.
- is an excellent source of three B Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin.
Bee Pollen has the highest natural level of folic acid (folate) of any common food, which may support the prostate gland and cell regeneration. It also contains natural antioxidants, of which the flavonoid quercetin is useful for helping the body’s natural response to allergens. Bee Pollen has also been shown to assist with energy levels, stamina, and athletic performance.
Pollen is becoming popular for curing cases of acne, obesity, lost appetite, weakness, loss of weight, intestinal disorders, psychosis, neurasthenia, retarded growth, cerebral haemorrhage, memory loss, general debility, minimal brain dysfunction in children, convalescence, and general malaise.
A study comparing so-called activated bee pollen (cracked-shell pollen) and natural pollen, which our bee pollen is, showed there was no significant difference in terms of the bioavailability of a number of key components (Lister 1999)
Our pollen is export quality and harvested from native flowers in the pristine forests of the South Island of nuclear-free New Zealand and dried slowly at low temperature to preserve all the goodness of the pollen. It is the best available!
The pollen is not certified organic as you cannot confine the bees to one particular area but is as organic as they can be. The beekeepers are third generation beekeepers with their fathers still involved helping them in their family business. They have a very strict high standard they adhere to and only bee pollen is processed on-site in an extremely clean environment.